Our most popular feature request, Unified Todo List, is being rolled out this week and next. This feature is built to wrangle hundreds or thousands of tasks you accumulate across work, hobbies, etc...
Over the past year, users of every major note-taking app have clamored for better connectivity between notes in the form of bidirectional linking. Today, we're debuting our own take on this popular...
Hopefully at this point it's a non-controversial view that Wordpress = 🔥🗑️. It has served its purpose, but for those of us that want low hassle and high polish, Wordpress ain't the ticket. Maybe Am...
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.
Your notes are just that – yours. They represent your invaluable time, effort, creativity, and intellectual property, and we believe you should be able to use them however you like, whenever you like.
Conventional wisdom states that the quality with which one writes can only be as good as the quality with which they think. But what if it works the other way too?
We're building a note app that needs to do OCR as well as possible. We hoped there would be a good modern 2019 comparison of the image OCR services, but as of July 2019, there wasn't, so we wrote one.
The internet is lousy with people making strong arguments about why to use the Eisenhower Matrix. They say that it allows us to work on more of what matters. And that's where the agreement ends.
The pursuit of long-term goals is a defining aspect of the human experience. Its grand promise is to translate our most precious dreams into lived reality. So why are we so dreadful at it?
The best managers aren’t successful because they've mastered multitasking. They are successful because they've mastered prioritization. Now let's take a stab at prioritizing Oprah's todo list...
Barnacles -- our moniker for hard items that get stuck to the bottom of your todo list -- can be an existential threat to list makers. Let's look at how Amplenote can help prevent them.