Why doesn't Amplenote have folders to organize notes?

With so many of Amplenote's incoming users coming from Evernote and Onenote, it's not surprising that we often hear requests for folders to organize notes. On this page, we'll explain how you can use Amplenote to get all the benefits of folders, along with some new benefits that a folder hierarchy can't offer.

linkFolders in Amplenote are Tags

This is confusing to some users who have previously known "tags" to be a limited feature reserved for specialized use cases. In Amplenote, tags provide a robust way to organize your notes and tasks. What can you do with tags?

Create deep hierarchies that reflect the many projects/contexts you operate in. For example, you can create a note and apply the tag work/project-a/research, after which you can locate your note by either browsing tags in the leftmost pane, or entering the tag name via Quick Open navigation

Put a note in more than one hierarchy. This is especially useful if you follow the common pattern of creating notes that are part-research, part-tasks. Along with the research tag mentioned in the item above, you can also apply a tag for todo/project-a and ensure that whatever tasks are in that note can be filtered in Tasks View Modeor on the Amplenote calendar.

Rename, delete, move, and merge tags. Many other note apps fail to recognize that a folder hierarchy is always a work-in-progress. As your circumstances change, you need to be able to flex your hierarchy so that it remains simple and serves the needs of the projects you are currently shepherding. Because tags can be merged and renamed, you'll never have to worry if you change your mind down the road about what the tag should be named, or where it should be located amongst your other tag hierarchies.

Share tags with individuals, groups, or the web. If you collaborate with others on the notes in a certain tag, you can share all the notes from that tag (and optionally, allow new notes to be added) by collaborators who use the free, Personal subscription level of Amplenote.

linkTags: A Level-up for Folders

Because you can create deeply nested tags, and rename or merge them later, we are unaware of any benefits that a folder-based approach would avail. In essence, tags are folders, except that you do not need to limit a note to existing within a single folder. If it is your philosophy that each note should only reside in cataloged location, you can achieve this by only applying one tag per note.

If you later change your mind and decide to get more elaborate in your note (or task) cataloging system, the benefits of allowing multiple "folders" per note become apparent. Hopefully this helps to explain why Amplenote offers nested tags in lieu of folders.

linkIf you read one help page, read this one

It is also linked above, but worth reiterating that this help page has screenshots and examples of using tags to organize your life within Amplenote.