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Developer Notes & Instructions


9:09am on September 28, 2023

Hello Bill Harding,

Hope you are doing great. Thanks for this awesome plugin that makes developers's life easier. Unfortunately, I found a really annoying bug that could ruin our experience. The bug is related to imported functions, if there is a ";" colon after the function it is injected as well inside the note's body's object and had to be cleared since it gives a syntax error

Here is what I mean
async _inlined_stop_js_getCurrent({ constants, URIS }) {
const options = {
method: "GET",
headers: {
Authorization: `Basic ${btoa(constants.TOKEN + ":api_token")}`,
const res = await sendReq(URIS.current(constants.BASE_URI), options);
return await res.json();

Hope it got fixed soon

Thanks in advance

2:53pm on September 28, 2023

Thanks for the note Mahmoud, I'm currently on vacation but I'll take a look within the next couple weeks. 👍

3:00pm on October 1, 2023

Thanks for quick replay and sorry for interruption. Happy Vacation :D

4:14pm on October 4, 2023

The issue reported above should now be fixed! @Mahmoud

2:17pm on October 7, 2023

Okay, thanks Lucian!