For professional developers aspiring to create Amplenote’s greatest new plugin, it is common to want to sync GitHub code with a plugin body. This plugin allows you to define an "entry file" in a public GitHub repo, and then have the main block from that entry file imported into a plugin note.
Better yet, you can import functions from other files and have those functions be inlined in the code that gets inserted into your plugin note. No more 1,500 line single files necessary. See "caveats" for about use of import.
Okay, thanks Lucian!
The issue reported above should now be fixed! @Mahmoud
Thanks for quick replay and sorry for interruption. Happy Vacation :D
Thanks for the note Mahmoud, I'm currently on vacation but I'll take a look within the next couple weeks. 👍
Hello Bill Harding,
Hope you are doing great. Thanks for this awesome plugin that makes developers's life easier. Unfortunately, I found a really annoying bug that could ruin our experience. The bug is related to imported functions, if there is a ";" colon after the function it is injected as well inside the note's body's object and had to be cleared since it gives a syntax error
Here is what I mean
async _inlined_stop_js_getCurrent({ constants, URIS }) {
const options = {
method: "GET",
headers: {
Authorization: `Basic ${btoa(constants.TOKEN + ":api_token")}`,
const res = await sendReq(URIS.current(constants.BASE_URI), options);
return await res.json();
Hope it got fixed soon
Thanks in advance
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