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9:27pm on April 6, 2023

This is awesome. This plugin itself and the whole plugin architecture seems very cool. Subscription money well spent. Nice work!

User #78311
7:52pm on May 26, 2023

Super excited about Amplenote. I've been a Mem.ai user. I like how Mem uses my content to train the model. I also like automated suggestions for backlinks/related notes. Thoughts?

3:27am on August 24, 2023

I am getting "Could not determine an answer to the provided question" though I just signed up with the openAI API key. Please advise as I am stuck

User #96358
3:06pm on September 14, 2023

I am getting the same error as Sudh, despite providing a valid GPT-4 API key

User #108817
11:00am on December 14, 2023

I am on the same boat.
Always getting the "Could not determine an answer to the provided question"

User #73905
8:31pm on December 31, 2023

Ollama doesn't support AMD cards yet, I wish we could use other backends such as Koboldcpp

User #103008
11:40am on February 24, 2024

I find the plugin very useful and it would be even more convenient if I didn't have to specify the purpose of the revision every time. It is cumbersome to consistently copy and paste "Revise for clarity" into the text field, as that is my preferred goal. Could you change the entry field into a radio button option with "Revise for clarity" preselected as the default choice?