Add non-completable tasks, aka "events"

I don't use either Google or Outlook calendars and I'd like to get to add "events" to my Amplenote calendar.

This would effectively let me build my schedule all in one place, opposed to needing to go to Google or Outlook calendar to add events to my calendar.

I can also build time-blocked schedules by filling my schedule with "events" to indicate how I should be spending my time.

Suggested by Timoy Sep 29, 2022

1 Comment

User #114420
7:28am on December 24, 2023

Wow, I was searching for this for at least a day. It looks like a no-brainer for me. Especially WITH calendar-sync: Amplenote is one of the few working Programs with two-way sync. Why can I only create to-dos and not events in the amplenote-calendar?!

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