If you've gotten value from Amplenote, we want to ensure you have ample incentive to tell your friends. This page will describe how you can invite friends or business collaborators to Amplenote, and how you can benefit from doing so.
linkGetting credit for inviting users to Amplenote
Start by clicking on your Amplenote avatar, then clicking "Share Amplenote", like so:
Then you'll be taken to a collection of options for sharing Amplenote. The first one is your referral code:

Getting your Amplenote referral code on the "Share Amplenote" page
If the user you refer goes on to subscribe to Amplenote, you will earn a robust prize package:
A complimentary month of an Unlimited subscription
The opportunity to receive an infinitely cozy Amplenote t-shirt
linkReferring multiple users
We would love to have you refer as many users as you have followers! ❤️ After the first user that you refer, we will continue to track your user referrals, and recognize your referral count when we periodically offer special rewards to our biggest fans.
As for subscription credits, you will earn an additional free month of Unlimited subscription for every user that you refer that goes on to become a paying Amplenote subscriber. ✨
linkAmplenote affiliates aka "joint ventures"
There's good news and bad news. The bad news is that we don't have a formal affiliate program set up yet. In time, we will certainly add a formal way to apply, track earnings, and see how much you've earned by referring users who go on to subscribe to Amplenote.
In the meantime between when we implement that program and today, what we can offer is an ad hoc version of an Affiliate program for those who are successful in referring high value users to Amplenote. Specifically, if you succeed in inviting at least 20 users to Amplenote who go on to become paying subscribers, email us at support@amplenote.com and we will calculate how much those users have paid in Amplenote subscriptions (minus refunds and chargebacks) and send you 50% of what we earn from their first year as Amplenote subscribers.
For example, let's say your referral code has been used by 50 who signed up for Amplenote, and 20 of those became paying Amplenote subscribers (the other 30 stayed on the Personal plan, creating no financial value). Of those 20, 10 signed up as Unlimited subscribers, 8 as Pro subscribers, and 2 as Founders. That means they will have paid Amplenote $2239.80 for their first year. We'll cut you a check for $1119.90 by the conclusion of that year, assuming that none of the subscribers went on to file refunds or chargebacks. Once you email us and we approve you as an affiliate, you'll be eligible for payment 3 months after the referred user payments have been processed.
You will be able to see how many users have accepted your invitations from the "Share Amplenote" link shown above. We reserve the right not to compensate affiliate who use nefarious methods to generate referrals. We will not pay out affiliates who have referred less than 20 paying subscribers, since this is going to cause a lot of paperwork and manual processing for us until we release the real version of our Affiliate program later.
We can customize the referral URL if users with a large following would like to promote Amplenote and receive affiliate credit for it. For example, https://www.amplenote.com/davidallen could be used to designate a referred user if David Allen would like to endorse Amplenote as the best GTD solution. 😊
linkDo you have thousands of followers that would benefit from Amplenote?
Have you built a following on Twitter, Youtube, via books, etc., and you find that Amplenote lets you get more done with your precious time? Are a CEO of a well-known company that is using Amplenote to choose what to work on from among thousands of tasks? Let's talk about the upside of introducing Amplenote to your followers -- drop a line to our CEO.