How to define what is "Important" and "Urgent"?

"Urgent" and "Important" are two labels that can be applied to any task. Everybody can make their own determination about what "Urgent" and "Important" means to them. Whatever definition you use, "Urgent" tasks have their Task Score increase rapidly, while "Important" tasks make more of a slow-but-steady ascent up the Task Score leaderboard.

This page exists to share the definitions for these two terms that have been most useful to Amplenote's Founders. Ymmv.

linkOur preferred definition

Urgent: Needs to get done in the next few days. The sooner the better.

Important: Aligns closely with your long-term interests. Completing one of these makes it feel like it was a good day.


Urgent tasks (usually time-sensitive)

60 minutes spent prepping for the test at the end of the week

Respond to the email from big deal person

Fix the problem with checkout

Important tasks (long-term health of self/relationships/business)

Monthly task to reach out to a family member or someone you appreciate

Opportunities pertaining to better health & nutrition

Increase passive income