Keep dessert intake to a reasonable level.

This goal is associated with the accountability topic: "Alcohol & Etc Moderation"

Active, ongoing
Every 7 days
3 active
No meetings

I eat way too many desserts, but I seem to do worse when I try to cut them out completely. My goal is to eat no more than two small cookies worth - by volume - everyday. The desserts can be of any type and I am going to count a week successful if I can manage to do it 5 days out of 7.

Join me - and pick your own volume limits - if you’re interested!

Goal Activity

Bill Harding marked progress on Keep dessert intake to a reasonable level. Received 10 coins
Completed 4 days ago

Goal Conversation

It’s been maybe two days since I started my reasonable dessert intake goal, and I have failed on both. I’m going to start writing down desserts I have beyond the allowed amount, and post them here. Perhaps if anyone joins me on this goal, they can do the same. It would be interesting - or maybe tempting and counterproductive :) - to see what desserts other people trip up on.

Thanks for starting this, Kate! Love the initiative and I need it too. It's my understanding that cutting something out completely makes our brain treat the desirable behavior as a punishment, which makes us bitter when we succed, instead of happy (which makes it harder for us to keep doing it).

So cutting it out partially seems very smart.

For me, my goal will be to only buy sweets during the weekend and in small amounts. Also, if I consume sweets, it will be (in a small quantity) before a physically intensive activity, such as working out, walking, something else, or after a full meal during the weekends.

Will probably alter the precise parameters depending on how easy/hard this ends up being.

I love the idea of tying it to something healthy - and specific - like working out. I have a lot of success with blocking out specific times for tasks/study/art/etc. I wonder if something similar would help with keeping desserts reasonable.

I only bet 50 tokens on this one, I have been pretty bad lately about limiting dessert intake. But I have succeeded at this goal in the past, and knowing that a couple friends are at it feels like it ought to help my chances? Thanks for starting this, Kate!

I am pleased to say that I've already turned down a few desserts this week that I would have otherwise have indulged in on behalf of wanting to brag during my goal update. :P

My weekly check in to say I've failed this goal (and most of my goals for last week, due to catching the flu). Next week will be better.

I have also been derailed by chocolate. I made breakfast cookies and I'm deciding if those count.

I don't have a good excuse like being sick, but I think I'll do better this week. The holidays are always so decadent; I develop bad habits that always take a few weeks to get over.

I should be losing my ten coins for last week. Can someone give me a hint as to how to make that happen?

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Accountability Goal: "Keep dessert intake to a reasonable level. "

Created 15 days ago by Kate


Kate Leader
Joined 15 days ago
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